The Waddesdon Archive at Windmill Hill

Pumping test at Yamma c.1925 • The Waddesdon Archive at Windmill Hill

Waddesdon is a stately home, managed by the Rothschild Foundation on behalf of the National Trust, who took over ownership in 1957 and opened it to the public in 1959. The house was built by Baron Ferdinand de Rothschild between 1874 and 1885 to display his collection of arts and to entertain the fashionable world.

Archive Description

The Waddesdon Archive brings together records and material relating to the history of Waddesdon Manor, the Waddesdon Estate and the members of the Rothschild family who have owned and managed Waddesdon from 1874 until the present day, particularly James & Dorothy de Rothschild.

We also hold archives relating to the Rothschild Family’s wider interests including those of PICA (the Palestine Jewish Colonisation Association) and the Butrint Foundations archaeological archive. We also hold the business archive of P & D Colnaghi, the London art dealers.

Access Information

The collections are available for researchers to use by appointment. If you wish to consult the records or have an enquiry please contact the archive team on or 01296 653413.

Opening hours are Monday-Friday 9.30am to 5pm.

At least 24 hours advance notice is required to access the archive. You will need a driver’s licence or other ID.

If you are an academic student or staff member you will also need a letter of support from your institution. All researchers are required to complete a researcher agreement.


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